漂亮的可攜式噴霧香水瓶,瓶身以鋅合金製造,堅固耐用。Caseti 噴霧香水瓶的灌注設計可直接將香水注入香水瓶中,只需把你家中心愛香水瓶的噴頭拔出,然後直接將香水泵入香水機中,不需漏斗或小泵等配件扶助,可以從機背的小窗看到入了多少香水(建議80% 滿),使用簡單直接。
Stylish fragrance refillable atomizer made with high-quality metal and interchangeable body tank. With patented lockable system with refilling mechanism. Aircraft approved which allows you to carry and refresh your favorite fragrances with different tank. Refills directly from a fragrance bottle, no risking spills with our refill system and lock.
Spec: 18 (diameter) x 83 (L) mm
Volume: 3.3 ml
Sprays: about 50 times
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